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Jim Rogers: Bailout Another Nain In the Euro Coffin, Buy GoldCourtesy ZeroHedge (


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And in related news, Jim Rogers, joins the Euro death squads, and says that the $1 trillion bailout is the "Nail in the coffin for the euro." As Rogers said in discussing the now failed bailout: "I was stunned. This means that they’ve given up on the euro, they don’t particularly care if they have a sound currency, you have all these countries spending money they don’t have and it’s now going to continue. It’s a political currency and nobody is minding the economics behind the necessities to have a strong currency. I’m afraid it’s going to dissolve. They’re throwing more money at the problem and it’s going to make things worse down the road.”



Rogers' investment recommendations: "Investors should buy precious metals including gold or currencies of countries that have large natural resources." We still would recommend staying away from the Chinese imminently popping bubble, which will likely reprice industrial commodities by 30-50%.
