NYMEX vs. ICE Through Sept 30, 2009
HIGHLIGHTS (as of Sept 30,2009):
CME Sep-09 volumes were down -37% y/y: IR down -38% y/y and Equity Index down -41.4% y/y. Clearport volumes were up +5%y/y based on new reporting methodology*
Bovespa volumes were down -2% y/y and BM&F volumes were down -7% y/y.
HKex Cash volumes were down -11% y/y and Derivatives volumes were down -29% y/y.
Singapore Cash volumes were up +29% y/y and Derivatives volumes were down -30% y/y.
US Equity volumes were down: Tape A -17% y/y, Tape B -24% y/y and Tape C -5% y/y.
ICE OTC volumes were up +37% y/y (based on ERDesk prediction model). Futures volumes were up +6% y/y.
DB1 Cash volumes were down -53% y/y and Eurex volumes were down -34% y/y.