iStock_000005765286XSmall EXCHANGE NEWSWIRE, 1 August 2011

LSE CEO Xavier Rolet warned that if the DB1-NYX merger succeeds, important decisions affecting the group’s UK businesses may move abroad, and “there’s definitely a medium-to long-term threat which we believe is not completely understood here in the UK”. Xavier also said that “in terms of prudential regulations, of credit, insurance, financial stability, there is a European framework where the UK has a voice but not a voice which is in keeping with the size that London and the UK represents”.

DB1 CFO Gregor Pottmeyer played down worries that UK authorities’ extended review of the merger between BATS Global and Chi-X Europe would affect the DB1-NYX deal. Pottmeyer said the exchange officials have been “constant dialogue” with regulators since formally filing their plan in June, and that a “statement of objections” from antitrust regulators is expected in September or October, to which both DB1 and NYX will respond, and there are hopes of finishing the deal by year-end.

CME promised to continue reducing expenses for the rest of the year, and projected 2011 total operating expenses of $1.235b, down from its previous estimate of $1.26b. CME also estimated capital spending of $165m, down from a previous forecast of $180m.

SGX launched all-day continuous trading from 9am to 5pm Singapore time, and removed its 90-minute lunch break starting August 1.

TSE will list its first Japanese Depository Receipts on August 23. The iPath S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term futures JDR and the iPath S&P GSCI Total Return Index JDRs are based on exchange-traded notes (ETNs) managed by broker Barclays Capital, and another seven JDRs based on S&P commodities indexes are expected to be listed on September 6.

NYX: NYSE Technologies upgraded its middleware platform, Data Fabric, to include Mutiverb, a messaging transport that provides the basis for next generation data distribution. The new platform has so far published more than a million 200 byte messages per second to 1,000 clients with an average latency of 4.5 microseconds and a 99.99 percentile latency of 19 microseconds.


Provided By: Equity Research Desk,



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